


An ordinary young man discovers he's the subject of a prophecy: namely, he's the villain. A story about destiny, reality vs perception, meaning in futility, and trying to live a life without causing harm. I got carried away with worldbuilding, so honestly it's not even much about that plot anymore and I have a plethora of other stories set in this universe, though many lack their own titles for now.


A more high fantasy world. Basically a knockoff of DND in a lot of ways bc the canon lore annoys me. More general worldbuilding focused than character focused.


Colonizing Mars was meant to be the next big step for humanity. After the magnetosphere and atmosphere were restored and the planet seeded with life, much time and effort were spent to make the surface habitable, and people were enticed to move there with promises of being a part of humanity’s bright future.

It turns out that even at its best, Mars is a cold, dry, generally unpleasant place; and ultimately, though it doesn’t provide the same luxury of living on the surface, humanity turns their attention to a floating colony above Venus. But many of those already living on Mars lack the money to leave the planet, and supplies from Earth are coming less often. While some try to take advantage of the power vacuum to monopolize resources on the planet, many small settlements are too concerned with simply getting by.

Dustwake was originally intended to be a quest, then some sort of video game, but coding is hard and I'm bad at finishing projects. I wanted to explore a world that was something like a post-gold rush ghost town on a planetary scale about the people left behind in the wake of irresponsible space tourism.