


  • Female [she/her]
  • Gnome
  • Bisexual
  • Sorcerer [Draconic Bloodline]
  • Sage
  • Romancing Minthara



Lorina values learning, experimentation, and knowledge more than anything else - with things like morals being more of an afterthought.


Lorina is a curious person with a love of learning and unwitting selfish tendencies. She's a pragmatist, but doesn't particularly think of herself as such.


Lorina's grandmother was an adventurer who saved the life of a young wyrmling, and her bloodline was blessed in exchange. It wasn't until the birth of her granddaughter that the draconic influence fully showed with magical aptitude and detached arrogance. Lorina has always enjoyed testing the limits of her abilities, even as her family tried to prompt her to show more interest in the mundane aspects of life. She had few friends growing up, as she tended to get annoyed with people who didn't share her knowledge, opinions, or interests, and struggled to hold on to a job.

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